A quiet holiday weekend...

Have found myself in the literary doldrums. But who knows? Maybe this is the new reality. Either way, I’m in a place a rarely find myself, except this time it seems deeper, less desperate, and more pervasive than on other occasions.

None the less, I had a decent morning working on the new story, rough title “Cold Cocked.” It’s near finished, and probably would be already if I hadn’t allowed myself to drift.

Put in some notes on what I believe will be my next long piece, too. Gonna settle in hard with this one before I tear off writing. Have a good idea where I want it to go, and want to squander as little time as possible getting there.

Had a nice time visiting Kath last night, celebrating S’s birthday. First time in a long time you couldn’t smell smoke in the air. A haze settled on the mountains later in the afternoon—from the Tahoe fire, I suspect—but all in all it was a pretty afternoon that didn’t feel as hot as the thermometer made it out to be.

Feeling my folks over my shoulder these days. Wish I could talk to them.

Big week coming: dentist, jury duty, finding a new doc…etc., etc. But tomorrow, maybe just yard work and a trip to the gym.