Enjoying the peace and quiet...

Quiet day.

Air quality went to hell early on, and the hot temps made a return, not the worst day we’ve had this summer, so I’ll take it.

Did some good writing this morning, then went off for a longish workout at the gym. Hadn’t planned to do as much as I did, but when I got there and found the place empty I thought, why not?

Took a long nap this afternoon. Woke to find it near five. Been scheming for a way to get up the mountain this week and do some fishing, but I guess I’ll have to see how the rest of the schedule pans out.

Lot of dreams about my mom and dad lately. Had a dream about Jack last night as well. He was a chess piece, a rook. Wish I could recall the context of the narrative, but I can’t.

John comes over tomorrow to do some work on the computers. Not sure what the rest of the day is supposed to look like, but I guess someone will clue me in.