Looking at nice rain right now. This after a nice long rain last night. Glad I found the ambition to cut the lawn earlier.
Back and forth day trying to get things done. Wasn’t as productive as what I would have liked, but got in some good writing, took care of the billing, and was still able to do some cardio at the gym.
Been lazy of spirit lately, and can’t quite figure out why. Guess I’m winding down like the summer. Never did find a middle ground—either we had our feet to the gas pedal, or were sitting around listening to crickets. Sure miss the boys. They were a handful, but they kept things moving forward.
Might engage in a little yard work this weekend. Pull up the dead shrubs, collect the logs from the dead cottonwood. Get ready for my next trip to Rocky Top. We’ll see what sort of energy we can drum up.
Meanwhile, another birthday to celebrate.
Tonight, potato leek soup.