Big thunderstorm last night. Lots of lightning, lots of rain.
Up early thinking to outflank the boys, but you can’t outflank youth. They were there to greet us at the coffee pot.
Had a good part of the day off from sitting while the parents took them up to Denver to visit friends. Well, not off, exactly, but alone. Decided to clean the house while we had the chance, and finish up the grocery shopping for dinner.
G’s new SyFy series SurrealEstate debuts tonight. Gonna catch it on an hour delay owing the boys’ bedtime. Hope it turns out to be a big success.
Not sure what tomorrow’s gonna bring, but maybe we’ll get another hour or two of personal time and I can take a peek at one of my old stories. Had time to make a couple of submissions today, but not much more. Getting eager to get back to work.
Don’t expect the kids back until after seven, so will take the time to sit on the front porch and relax.