Living in a whole other world the past ten days. Boys have settled in pretty comfortably, and taken over the house like it’s their own. Had a nice fishing trip with them up on the South Platte despite the rain and smoke from the California/Oregon fires. Spent the night in nice site at the foot of the dam. Didn’t get in as much fishing as we would have liked owing to the weather, but had some great guy time together.
Spent today at the zoo, and tomorrow’s a big question mark all the way around. Drew’s flying in tonight, so they may take a family trip to Denver to catch up with friends. Leave S and me here to re-gather our wits. The cats, too. They’ve been patient, but the noise and rowdiness aren’t really their thing.
It was good to get away from the keyboard for a few days, but I’m eager to get back to work now. I’m falling behind on revisions, submissions, and the finishing up of the novel. Also wondering about the Wyoming trip ahead, which at the moment I’m too tired to even think about.
Haven’t been this tired in a long long time. Maybe ever. Good thing I'd been working out before the company rolled in. Might try and sneak off to the gym tomorrow morning so as not to step on anyone’s toes and let the boys re-acquaint themselves with their day. I’ll regret it, of course, if they stick around all day, but I think it’s a chance I’m willing to take. A return to normalcy!