Quick note to catch up...

Quick entry tonight.

Just off a Zoom meeting with Jack and his chess coach. Interesting time. Still burning the candle at both ends, but come tomorrow night, that will be the end of the festivities for a while.

Took Matt fishing this morning. He caught a nice bluegill out at Quail Lake was beside himself. For four years old, he’s a patient soul and a good angler. Wish we’d have more time together.

Learned this morning the Saturday Evening Post as accepted a new story of mine, “Aftermath.” Signed the contract a little while ago, and am looking forward to seeing it online. Got a ton of press the last time they picked up one of my stories, and I hope I enjoy the same kind of success this time around.

Bone tired. The past two and half weeks are quickly catching up with me. Have an excursion up to the North Pole set up for tomorrow, and a farewell dinner with the whole crew. Been an amazing time all around.

Need a vacation from my vacation.