In a nutshell...

Long hot day.

Took the boys for a wagon ride up and down Wood Ave to the park where we used to go when they still rode in strollers. Had a nice hour or so goofing off on the equipment, then took a long walk home along the river.

Skies have been an ugly tint of brown all day because of the fires in California and Oregon. Hope they don’t stay that way for very long or it’s going to make for an ugly summer.

Cast some plaster of Paris bugs this afternoon, and left them to dry on the patio. Saving the painting for another afternoon.

Played a game of chess with Jack after lunch. He’s quite impressive for a seven-year-old. I’m told his instructor says he’s almost ready for some real competition. I don’t doubt it. He has amazing concentration, and is already quite the strategist.

Taking them camping tomorrow up at Eleven Mile. Should be a blast. Look forward to getting up in the mountains. Tonight, getting a break while they enjoy a sleep over at K’s.