Happy to say I believe I’ve solved the problem with my latest story. It still isn’t there, but after some major edits it’s closer to what it ought to be.
Spend the better part of the morning writing, and the less than better part speaking on the phone with medical folks in the hope of scheduling an MRI. Mission accomplished. New images of the neck to be taken mid-December. Meanwhile, no PT.
That said, got in a decent workout at the gym, and a chance to speak to my PT-ist, Brian, about the X-rays I had taken on Friday. Looking forward to getting to the bottom of things.
Pretty day. Put up the Christmas tree this afternoon, and look to be decorating it by the weekend. Kitties are covered with sap, enjoying their new watering hole (aka the tree stand). Life is good!
Coffee with my buddy G tomorrow morning. Be good to get out and catch up.