Up at the crack of dawn—a little before, actually—to have coffee with my buddy, G. A great time as always. Lots of laughs. Got to work a little later than usual, made a few submissions, chatted with John S. a while, then headed off to the gym to put in a workout. Didn’t do much in the way of aerobics today, but lifted well, and even got to work the heavy bag a bit.
Preliminary word on the neck is arthritis, a slipped disc at C3-4, and general deterioration owed to old age! Can’t wait to see what the MRI coughs up. Meanwhile, Tremadol to sleep.
A new story rolled into my N queue, so I’ve got some reading to do. Finished two of the stories in the past two days, but haven’t written any of the critiques yet. Maybe tomorrow.
My bro, Joe, is closing his juvey, rehab facility today. A good decision at a good time. He put in a lot of hard work over the past thirty-odd years and deserves a break. Hope the kids he treated will have fond memories of him. He sure loved them.
Nothing big on tonight’s schedule. Just looking to take it easy. Finished the Beatles documentary last night, and enjoyed the closing performance. They were some talented guys.