A freewheeling weekend...

Good day all around. Particularly after a rare good night’s sleep.

Wrote early, worked around the house getting things Christmas ready, then took a drive up to Woodland Park where we kicked around in the woods. A lovely day, what with all the sun and warm temps, but sure hope we get some snow soon or the mountains are going to be in trouble again come fire season.

Saw the new Disney movie yesterday and enjoyed it. Wish I could say the same for the Beatles documentary, which is in serious need of editing. The musical interludes are fine, as is the study of their creative process, but there was a forty minute interlude where no one did anything but sit and look at one another. Not sure Jackson couldn’t have used a good narrator to push some of the material along. That, and offer the occasional explanation of what went on behind the scenes.

Reading a collection of stories by Kevin Barry—Dark Lies the Island. Good, good stuff.