Chicken piccata and more...

Back at it, early.

A hodgepodge.

Banged away at the keyboard as long as I could take it, then moved on. As always, thought I’d be more productive than I was, and as always I thought wrong. Still, made progress here and there. Which is something.

Some kind of black cloud’s crawling over the back of my brain. Don’t know why, doesn’t really matter. Just figure to keep an eye on it, see where it goes.

Hit the gym early. Worked out hard even though it doesn’t feel like it. Won’t feel like it later tonight.

Weather still cold. Not sure if there’s going to be a break in the temps this weekend or not. Rainbows should be close to spawning down on the Arkansas, shouldn’t they?

Hey, if nothing else, it’s Thursday.

That’s good, right?