Cold one today. In more respects than I care to count. Sapped all the energy.
Up at a decent hour to write three reviews and a letter to the boys. Went off to the gym a little later, but quit after a long ride on the bike. Came home and took a nap instead. First time in a long time I’ve gone a whole day without working on a story, but figured I needed a break.
In literary news, saw that Tin House is backing out of the magazine business to concentrate on publishing. Also saw Kwame Dawes is now reviewing short fiction manuscripts for the low low price of $1,200. Imagine that.
Gotta keep reminding myself it’s not about anyone else. Or anything but the words. Everything else is only a distraction.
Have a thought for the New York Times and others. Forget the Pinocchio ratings, and sensitivity to nuances of mistruth in your columns. Let go of the “falsifications vs lies vs misrepresentations” crap, and just label the stuff for what it is: bullshit.
Looking forward to some reheated clam chowder, and maybe a baby goat video.
Wonder what my fishing prospects are this weekend?