Travels here and there...

Lot of snow last couple of days. Good to see. Temps into the mid/high forties today giving it a good melt, though not enough to clear it away. Lots of snowmen showed up on the lawns by afternoon.

Up later than usual, but got in some good work at the keyboard just the same. Finished my latest short, “Aftermath,” and figure to get in the mail before the weekend’s out.

Snowshoed Mueller State Park this afternoon. Drifts were fresh and deep and perfect for a long hike. Haven’t seen the sky so blue in over a month. No critters about, but a lovely day even so. Glad to have gotten out for a while.

Went to the movies last night—kind of out of character for us—to see Parasite, which’ll be up for an Academy Award tomorrow night. Interesting movie. Funny, creepy, sad… Didn’t have the energy do much but go home and order a pizza after it was over. Pop a bottle of wine and relax.

Trip to Pittsburgh’s getting closer all the time.

Eager to see the boys.

Borrowed True Grit from my neighbor, R, yesterday and discovered it was the antidote I’d been after. What a great bit of writing. Have to go on a search for a hard copy for the library.