Another stab...

Still slacking with my entries. Haven’t meant be neglectful, but the world keeps creeping in and, of late, it’s taken a cudgel to beat it back.

Young Jack turned 10 yesterday. Highlight of the week, I think. Lawn dude came with his aerating machine and punched holes in the grass. That was pretty good too.

Been on a deep dive into Cormac McCarthy’s The Passenger, after a waiting a year to start it, and have found it to be a pleasant surprise. A nice respite, too, after the Mailer biography.

Sent off “Undone” a few days ago, and hoping it finds a good home. Close with “Cold Reckoning” too. If all goes well with the last revisions I should have it in the mail by next week. “On the Rocks” as well.

Not a whole lot else to crow about.

Nothing to write home about...

Up and down day.

Good start at the keyboard this morning with revisions on the long piece. Got mired mid-afternoon when I went off to the gym, but still managed a short workout and a long walk around the block.

Looking for more snow tonight, but not sure how much. Weather’s supposed to be up and down for the next five or six days.

Tried to catch up with the boys this evening, but no luck. Will have to give it another shot tomorrow.

We’ll see what the day brings.

Giving myself permission...

Got some good work in at the keyboard this morning.

Should have three pieces ready to ship out soon. Packed away the short work for a while and dusted off the novel again.

Gym was pleasantly empty by the time I arrived. Only a few folks to contend with. Had a nice hour lifting and skipping rope, then came home for a quick snack and a walk around the block.

Feel like I might catch up tomorrow.

Tonight, just sitting back and enjoying things. That’s okay, right?

Lost opportunities...

Another hatful of promises scattered in the wind.

Gotta get back in touch with my “assignment-sure” side. Can’t believe it’s been, what, three days since my last entry?

Anway, it’s Sunday and tomorrow’s a new week.

Been pushing hard at the keyboard, and it’s time to push a couple of stories out the door. Meanwhile, the pieces already in the queue continue to fester.


Been a bit lazy with my entries over the past couple of weeks. Need to settle in an start pushing myself again.

Boys’ve been calling on their Gizmos six or seven times a day. Might account for some of my laziness. Been fielding calls between coffee and keyboard time, but no contest as to which I’d rather be doing.

Found out today my story “When Hell Froze Over” was selected as a quarter finalist in the Cinematic Short Story Contest. Other than that, the submission queue has been pretty sleepy. Have a lot of works out there, but haven’t heard much of late.

Neglecting my long piece at the moment while trying to get two new shorts finished. Gonna be spending some time with M. Croft and others the next couple of weeks, kicking manuscripts around.

Weather’s been down around zero or under for the past week, but the thermostat cheered up today when highs climbed into the forties. More ups and downs predicted.

Garbage day tomorrow.

Measuring out my life in coffee grounds.

Nothing new...

Short but decent day at the keyboard. Worked on a couple of pieces early, then went off to the gym for a not-bad early week workout.

Keeping a close eye on Mr. Kitcat. He’s been detached of late, and his appetite’s waned.

Yeah, and that's the truth of it...


Been busy the whole weekend taking down Christmas ornament, chatting with the boys, and trying—with only a modicum of success—to accomplish something at the keyboard.

Coming close to a reader draft on my latest story. Picking away at the long piece, too.

Big week ahead. Need to start pushing for an earlier rise and fewer mid-day naps. Meanwhile, pizza and a football game.

Taking up where I left off...

Somehow the week’s slipped away, and not even sure where it went.

Was up at a decent hour and managed to put in some good work at the keyboard before going off to coffee with Sol and Dan.

Hit the gym afterward, then came home and talked to young Matthew on the phone for a while.

Snow flurries started up around 3:00 but got in a nice walk around the neighborhood just the same.

Cold front’s moving in, but that’s okay. Especially if it brings some moisture with it. We’ll use the time inside to take down the rest of the Christmas decorations.

Not bad for a Saturday...

Been coming to these postings late, or not at all, the past couple of weeks. Haven’t meant to fall behind, but the holidays have kept us busy.

Tomorrow, New Years’s Eve. Not the dearest of holidays to my heart, but one I look forward to just the same as it gives me a chance to reflect, wrap up old business, etc.

Got back to work on the long piece after a month-long hiatus, and feel pretty good about the progress I’ve made. Still have three or four short bits waiting for a final run-through, but they’ll hold for a day or two. Right now I just want to make a long hard run at something bigger.

Caught up with the boys a few times today while they tried out their Gizmos. Still some glitches on the video end, but overall a success. Gonna be fun to be more connected from now on.

Took a long walk downtown this afternoon. Good to get out. The weather was a little on the cool side, but the sky was a spotless blue and the sun shone the whole time.

Happy New Year, Everyone...

Wondering where the hell last night’s post went, but not enough to go searching for it. Funny, but it’s always the long thoughtful ones that decide to turn up missing.

Good day today. Put in some quality time at the keyboard, had six or seven conversations with the boys, managed a quick workout at the gym and a nice stroll around the block as well.

Hanging back with a pizza tonight. Probably turn in early and hope for an early rise. Looking forward to getting back to work.

Making the rounds...

Good day, strong finish.

Woke early and knocked out an article for the Philharmonic, then tidied up around the office and mailed off a few Christmas notes.

Hit the gym late afternoon and put in a nice workout.

Warm weather came along and melted most of the snow, another plus. So now there’s only the wrapping of the X-mas presents and I’m home free. The X-mas presents that haven’t been lost in the mail, anyway.

Looking to make little headway on a story tomorrow.

Tonight, pizza.