Been a bit lazy with my entries over the past couple of weeks. Need to settle in an start pushing myself again.
Boys’ve been calling on their Gizmos six or seven times a day. Might account for some of my laziness. Been fielding calls between coffee and keyboard time, but no contest as to which I’d rather be doing.
Found out today my story “When Hell Froze Over” was selected as a quarter finalist in the Cinematic Short Story Contest. Other than that, the submission queue has been pretty sleepy. Have a lot of works out there, but haven’t heard much of late.
Neglecting my long piece at the moment while trying to get two new shorts finished. Gonna be spending some time with M. Croft and others the next couple of weeks, kicking manuscripts around.
Weather’s been down around zero or under for the past week, but the thermostat cheered up today when highs climbed into the forties. More ups and downs predicted.
Garbage day tomorrow.
Measuring out my life in coffee grounds.