Day started out okay. Got a reader’s draft in place for my newest story, “Long Player,” and a near finish on a longer, untitled story. Things were clicking along pretty well until, as we were enjoying a cup of coffee, water burst through our dining room light fixture. Tile guy hit a line with his cleat. No water for the rest of the day, and no electricity in a quarter of the house. Good news is, the plumber just came and repaired the hole. Water’s back on. Leaving the electric off until things dry, but at least we can water the flowers we just planted and save ourselves an expensive re-do.
Also on the good side, managed a halfway decent workout at the gym, a second Covid booster on the way home.
Not sure how the shower schedule looks now that the wall had to be dismantled, but figure we’ve lost at least two days and won’t see it finished until late next week. And that’s the tile work. The new glass door looks like a two-day operation in and of itself.
Oh, well. On to tomorrow.