And so it goes...

Busy day today.

Made some nice headway with my short pieces.

Put in a hard workout at the gym, and followed it up with some serious rehab. No nap today, but could’ve used one. Planted the new rose bushes instead and got a little more yard clean-up out of the way. Still haven’t revived the lawn and patched the new seed with burlap, but figure to do that tomorrow afternoon.

Pretty day compared to some of the recent ones. No visible dust or smoke in the air, but the breeze is still drying everything out. No rain in the forecast and none in sight.

Tile dudes made progress with the shower stall today. Looks to be about a third finished. They’re projecting Friday for a completion date, but I’m guessing they won’t get around to grouting until next week. We’ll see. New door’s going to need to be installed, too.

Looking for another early turn-in time tonight.