It isn't spring, but it isn't bad...

Good night’s sleep.

Out to the cottage around six, making revisions on the newest short. Getting closer all the time, but for some inexplicable reason this one’s fought back from day one. I never had a story that wanted so badly to be told, but at the same time insisted on dragging its heels all the way to the page.

Have a new one in mind. Need to at least get a draft down before I forget it, so maybe I’ll work on that tomorrow and give the other a rest.

Took a break early afternoon to police the yard. Bundled up something like eight contractor bags full of leaves and branches and drove them out to Rocky Top. Yard’s ready for planting, but still have to prune and fertilize. Sprinkler system tech due out next week.

Didn’t make it to the gym today. Maybe tomorrow.

Meantime, waiting for the winds to die and the rain to come.