The week got away from me, but in a good way. Lots of early rises, lots of words on the page, some minor setbacks, and more mid-afternoon naps than I’ve deserved.
Now if I can just get another story in the hopper.
Put a dent in the long piece this week, but ran aground on Thursday, and need to take a closer look at it over the weekend. Been summarizing and revising as I go along. Some good stuff, some bad. The voice is going to be key with this one, but I think I’ve got a handle on it.
Was thinking we might get out for a walk the afternoon, but the wind’s been blowing in a lot of pollen so settled for a workout at the gym instead. Neck’s sore (as usual) but not getting in the way anymore, thanks to the PT.
Hoping to maybe get out and paint tomorrow, weather permitting. We’ll see.