Looking to the future...

Quiet, pretty day. Sun. Blue skies. Everything you want in a Sunday.

Woke late—as late as I can recall—but still managed to put in some strong work at the keyboard. Abandoned the long piece for the moment, in favor of something a little more manageable. Found the beginnings of a story I’d started a while back and decided to finish at least a rough draft this week.

Holiday tomorrow. Or used to be, anyway. Not sure what that’s gonna mean for business, but have a feeling it won’t make a difference either way.

Got in a nice chat with my sis this afternoon. Her new digs out in the country are coming along. Casita’s been framed and should be ready for move-in come November. Pretty cool place.

Need to catch up with Greg tomorrow, and see about the layout/printing for the boys’ book. Gonna be Christmas before we know it. Need to make sure we stay on track.