Haven’t post in a few days. Too tired, I guess.
Went to the art show of an old friend yesterday evening. Nice turnout in a new gallery downtown. Saw a lot of cool pieces, and was happy I’d gotten mine years ago before his prices started reaching into five figures. Had a glass of wine afterward at Rico’s, and listened to some nice live jazz.
Kit’s come back a little, but only in that he doesn’t seem sick. He’s still looks old and tired and ready to say goodbye. He’s been fighting his pills again, though not as earnestly as before, but as long as he hangs in, and engages, I guess we’re okay.
Worked on a new short this morning after getting my billing out of the way. Felt good to get some quality time at the keyboard. Forwent the gym today, but did get in a nice walk around the neighborhood and enjoyed the cool fall weather. The sun’s sitting low in the sky these days and the temps have been running in the mid-seventies. Wish it could be like this year round.
Cooking trout tonight.
Looking forward to a quiet evening.