So, a better day today at the keyboard. Or, maybe not better, but more productive. Made some good progress on the new story, then started in on some correspondence I needed to catch up with. Had a long talk about life with S. this morning. Long and melancholy. Lots of new things coming our way, not all of them pleasant. But that’s life, right? Who at our age isn’t in some sort of bind?
Anyway, back at it. Thought I might get the weed killer on the lawn, but waited until too late to lay it down. Was worried it might rain, and didn’t want to wash a lot of garbage into the storm system, so I backed off. Will get on it tomorrow—as long as there isn’t any rain in the forecast.
Made it to the gym this afternoon only to discover a lot of other old timers like myself. Masked up, as usual, and plodded forward. Wondering, with the Delta variant, whether I ought to retreat to the garage for my workouts. Guess we’ll see. Meanwhile, good to be up and going again.
Nice day today. Nicer than usual, anyway. The long rain last night cleared the air, and even better, cooled things off. Not sure what tomorrow’s going to be like, except that Moya and Haley should be stopping through for another overnight on their way back to Albuquerque. After that, who knows? Maybe I’ll get started back on the book and synopsis.