Still settling in. Woke at five this morning, but decided to pull a pillow over my head and stay in bed. After all the dizzying wake up calls when the boys were visiting, I need to realign my habits and try to get my energy back.
Went downstairs a little before seven and went to work on the short story I’d abandoned when I left for Casper. With all the crazy bad luck I had driving through Wyoming, I never got around to any reading or writing, so I’m going to have a nice full week trying to catch up.
Learned my neighbor Robin will be leaving for California soon. Seems like a whole different neighborhood than it was even a year ago. A real metamorphosis.
Heavy rains fell this afternoon. Man, did we need them. Despite all the attention it’s been getting, the lawn is taking on that nice fried patina of late summer, so maybe this will help. Hope so. The crabgrass and I have a appointment to see who’s boss, but it can wait until the current monsoons pass.
Looking forward to a quiet night.