
Moya and Haley arrived later than expected last night. Sat up and talked with them until after eleven, then went to bed. Had a host of strange dreams.

Up early, but the guests didn’t pull out of town until one, so didn’t manage much in either the way of work or packing for my own trip. Will have to jump on things tomorrow.

Not really ready for Wyoming, as I think I’ve mentioned before, but won’t have another window for a while so will have to make the most it. Figure to be gone till next Friday, at least.

Did manage a quick look at a short piece I’ve been laboring over for a while, and was pretty happy with the look of it. Be nice to have a project waiting for me when I return. Meanwhile, maybe I’ll scribble a few things on a pad while I’m up in the Bighorns.

Weather was nice today, though hot again. Less smoke than in days prior. It’s supposed to be a hot week all through the west, but there’s rain here tonight so who knows.

Missing my boys, and my old life, both, at the moment. A time of contradictions, for sure.

Not worrying about dinner tonight. Just gonna pop a bottle of wine and break a baguette and relax in front of the tube. Or, better yet, sit out on the front porch swing and watch the rain fall.