Saturday, 4:45 pm...

Easing my way back into things.

Worked around the house today, then put in a long afternoon at the keyboard. Weather’s been wet and drizzly since I woke up, and doesn’t look to change course this evening.

Sis Moya and her kid, Haley, are driving up from Albuquerque to spend the night. Will leave tomorrow on their way to Laramie. I’ll follow after them on Monday.

For now, just trying to get my sea-legs back after the long go with the boys.

Got a lot on my mind—most of it to do with things here—and feeling a little less than enthusiastic about leaving town, though I won’t get another opportunity if I don’t do it now. We’ll see how everything pans out.

Kitcat trying to ditch his thyroid meds. Wish he hadn’t decided to go and get all stubborn this week, but maybe I can straighten him out before I go.

Quiet around here. Hardly know what to do with myself.