Big day tomorrow. Need to be up early. Didn’t sleep for beans last night owing to Kitcat’s night wanderings, so maybe I’ll make up for time lost tonight.
Nice day. Beautiful weather. Worked early on checking through the last draft of “Eyes Wide Open,” and found I had a pretty good piece going. Need to make a few small changes, and send it off.
Started another N piece—a long one this time—and figure to finish it tonight. After that, gonna sit back and take it easy.
Had a nice talk with the boys late morning. Talked about all the travels ahead of them. Mexico soon, Colorado Springs, on Christmas day. Jack was a little under the weather, but Matt was running at extra strength. Expect they’re both still a little worn down from all the excitement at Halloween.
Not sure where we’ll be come tomorrow night, this time, but hoping like hell it’s here in the Springs with a pleasant week ahead of us.
Put new tires on the hand truck today. Broke out the Christmas decorations too. Onward.