For no one in particular...

Feel like I’ve been slipping in and out of time the past few days.

Got an early rise this morning, and put in some quality time at the keyboard. Worked on some story material, then took care of a few housekeeping matters. Got in some reading too.

Left for PT around noon, and stuck through for a workout afterward. Neck’s felling a little better all the time, though I don’t expect the pain will go away for good.

Wrote a little more when I got home. Mad a pot of mushroom soup, and went for a stroll around the neighborhood afterward. Beautiful evening. Thought the trees might have shed their leaves by now, but a lot of them are still hanging on. Gonna remember this autumn for a long time.

Covid booster tomorrow. Other than that, no big plans. Just taking things as they come.

Maybe if it’s nice this weekend, I’ll go fishing. All options open.