Up early after a night of bad dreams. Put in some good work at the keyboard, finishing a respectable draft of a new story.
Was going to start in on the long piece again, but gave it up in favor of a day on the water.
Took a late start up the mountain and spent the better part of the day fishing the Tarryall and South Platte. Couldn’t manage the fly rod because of the arm, but had a nice time spinning despite not being able to access all the places I wanted.
Caught a smallish brown on the Tarryall, and rolled snake eyes in Elevenmile Canyon. Thought I might have enough in the tank to make a late afternoon of it, but the arm started hurting and had to call it quits. Even so, a beautiful day. Lots of good memories of that river. Someday, maybe I’ll write about them.
Good to be outdoors. Great to be outdoors, actually. Gotta start planning a new trip, this one with the fly rod.