Yeah, yeah. I know...

Seem to keep losing ground here, and don’t know why.

Up early to work. Sunrise is coming later than usual, so maybe fall’s finally on the way. Been plugging away on a new short, and have it pretty well in hand. Which means I can get back to the long piece again.

Was pushed out of the office early, and made an attempt at a walk but was turned back after a few blocks owing to the cool air. Came home and wrote to the boys instead. Then went off to the old office to pick up a mysterious package that turned out to be a self-help book mistakenly mailed to me. Or at least I think mistakenly. Anyway, not the most efficient of days.

Thought I might get to the gym, but had to scuttle that as well. Ended up taking a long walk around the hood. Better than nothing, I suppose. With luck, maybe I’ll get in a good workout tomorrow after PT.

Read the Broadmoor’s now seen its first COVID cases. Even in Arcadia, right?