Good day all around.
Up early, got a little work out of the way, answered some correspondence, then went fishing.
Was on the water by 10:30, and a couple of hours later had three nice brown in my creel. Decided to forego the flyrod for my spinning gear with the hope it would hurt the arm less, but no such luck. Be paying for those three trout for the rest of the night, I’m afraid. Even the neck is chiming in. Oh, well, only three more days till the real pain kicks in. But at least it’ll be for a good cause.
Smoky and overcast most of the day, but it was good to get out. The water was low and clear, and while the fish weren’t exactly going wild, it was a decent way to spend a Monday.
Gonna take it easy tonight, hope for a good night’s sleep. Ham steaks and sweet potato for dinner.