Okay. So screwed up and misinterpreted the COVID testing time. Means I’ve gotta get over to the clinic early tomorrow and make sure it gets to the surgeon’s office by Thursday.
Wrote well this morning, but not as long as I would’ve liked. Got to the end of the novel draft, and feel pretty good about the prospects. It’s coming in a little over 77 thousand words, so should hit the sweet spot by the time I’m finished. Lots of work to do yet, but it should be fun. For a while, anyway.
Got in an early two-mile walk, then came home and sat out the heat. Mostly. Did take a trip to the grocery store to stock up for a couple of weeks. Place was tolerably uncrowded, and we got what we wanted without running into any bozos, so hey, thumbs up.
Took a nap when we got home. Rest seemed to do the arm some good. Gonna take it easy tonight as well. Maybe pick up a noodle bowl from Saigon Cafe and watch a movie.