Et cum spirit tu tuo...

Self-diagnosis: brachial plexus injury. We’ll see what the doc says if/when I get to see her. Meantime, serious-ass, unrelenting pain. On the positive side of things, the lower retainer in my mouth broke, so I have something to offer a distraction. Old’s not the problem. I can hack old. Pain’s not the problem. I can hack pain. Money is—and always will be—the answer and panacea to everything medical, and otherwise.

There, bitch over. I’ll call the doc and orthodontist tomorrow and see what cooks.

Had a great day today, driving up to Sedalia and back down through Deckers. Scenery was wonderful. Even saw a wild turkey! Enjoyed a nice ham and cheese sandwich up on the mountain, and the Jeep didn’t think about breaking down until the air conditioning cacked. But hell, it wasn’t that hot, so who cares.

Observed lots of folks milling around the small towns today, and only one or two of them with masks. Social distancing apparently not a big thing with them. Judging from that weak bit of empirical evidence, I’m gonna put my money on a new uptick in infections about two weeks from now.

Breeze blowing up this evening and overcast skies. Haven’t seen rain in forever, despite the predictions of the weather people. Tonight? We’ll see.