Maybe it's time for acupuncture?

Nice lemon pasta dinner at K’s last night. Perfect evening.

Woke early and went to work on a new story. Arm’s been dreadfully sore, making the keyboard a more painful experience than it typically is, but pounded out a couple of thousand words just the same. Gotta make a doc appointment this week. See if I can’t get something done about it.

Worked out early afternoon, then went for a long walk up to Walgreens to buy some painkiller patches. Saw three deer, all young, walking up the sidewalk while going though the boys old neighborhood. Must have been on the hunt for flowers.

Day started out overcast and cloudy, but improved considerably as the afternoon wore on. The wind picked up, but the sky turned blue and the sun came out.

Taking it easy this evening. Hot dogs and potato chips. Maybe a little sipping whisky. See if I can’t catch up with Mom on the phone.