Okay, attitude improved.
Made it through the doc appointment today only to learn—wait for it—I must have tendonitis. Well, it’s over. That's the important part. I scored my prescriptions, was given a clean bill of health (even though no one laid hands on me, not even a stethoscope), and finagled some physical therapy. Which starts tomorrow.
Took a trip out to PetSmart this afternoon. Picked up some goodies for the cats. Kit in particular.
Read a Denis Johnson essay when I got home, then tried to take a nap.
Feel exhausted for the first time in a long time over nothing but worry. Guess it’ll pass. Talked to our wonderful neighbor R, this morning before driving out to the doc’s. Always good to see her when I think my life is out of whack. What a jewel, she is.
Summer came knocking this afternoon with temps in the eighties. After all this time! Hope it’s not the start of a heat wave yet, but I suppose it can’t be far away. At least the planting is out of the way. Will cut the lawn tomorrow, after therapy. Tonight, just gonna sit and reflect. Toss back a few Tylenol.