I haven’t quit caring. Not as such. I’m just tired of everything and everyone. It’s probably the arm that’s making me crabby, but then again maybe not.
Was up early, started to write, then quit out of apathy and went back to bed. Might have been the best decision I made all week.
FaceTimed with Jackie when I got up. A second sunrise.
Grocery shopping went all right, though can’t say it was particularly exciting. Those of us with masks looked with disdain upon those who didn’t, and we all understood was going to come to a head someday. S told me to chill, some security guy in Target had his arm broken in a dispute over a mask. Yeah, this country’s great all right…
Neighborhood kids have been creeching and wailing all day. Laid down to rest and some bozo’s car alarm went off—twice—for fifteen minutes at a stretch. Not sure I can pass up a trip to Wyoming, plague or not.
Hope the doc’s appointment tomorrow morning goes well.
Got in a workout and a walk today, and neither did much good.