So this is how it goes...

Launched into work early this morning after another decent night’s sleep. A cloudy sunrise gave way to a beautiful day later on. Cool, sunny. Blue sky.

Got in a nice workout, too, despite the arm hurting pretty good. Not sure what’s going on in the world at the moment, and don’t really care. Just wanna get back to the long piece, make some strides, and not worry about anything else.

Letter from Jack today. Simple, wonderful, touching.

Took a late afternoon drive out to Hardings Nursery to scout bushes to replace the dying arbor vitae. Hardly any people out there, and of those who were, most were wearing masks.

Re-read Gina Berriault’s “The Bystander” this afternoon. Lovely piece of work. Been a while since I spent time with it, and happy, as always, I did.

Took a nap after the drive out to the nursery. Fell into a deep sleep.

Veal piccata tonight.