Another decent night’s sleep—till morning.
Logged in a strong morning at the keyboard, but still haven’t finished the pieces that’ve seemed so close, so long. No worries. It’ll happen. Meanwhile, just keep plugging.
Good workout, despite the arm. After, long conversation with old buddy B in the Czech Republic.
Wish I could say something new is going on, but it wouldn’t be true. Just looking to maintain an even strain until next Monday when I see the doc. After that, things’ll either get better or I’ll get better about living with what I have.
Small reason to celebrate. Found a lotto ticket with three numbers! Now if I can only get it over to a machine and cash it in. Or, reinvest, as I like to call it.
No word from the boys for the past couple of days. Miss those guys, but that goes for a lot of things.
Someday, right?