One day closer to Christmas...

Got to catch up with an old buddy today. Had a nice talk. Forgot we were in the middle of a pandemic for a little while.

Make some good edits on the new story this morning. Voice issues, mostly. Read through the last of the N stories in my queue, and put in prep time on a commercial gig coming down the pike.

Worked out mid-afternoon, pressing forward with the new weight regimen. Feels good to lift again, if only with barbells. The arm seems to be making improvements. Still looks weak, but feels like it’s coming along.

Been having a lot of dreams about my mom lately. She was up here last year around this time, and we had great week together. Gonna miss her this Christmas.

Last of the nice weather ends today. Cold front moving in tomorrow and sticking around at least through the weekend. I’m seeing some quality time in the living room with a fire in the fireplace and a couple of kitties under the tree.