A not quite mid-week ramble...

Early rise to a dental appointment. My doc of thirty-plus years was just back from triple-bypass heart surgery. Figure I’ll get through this procedure, but should probably start looking at somebody closer to home. Change is bad enough. Changing dentists is the worst.

Critiqued another N story when I got home, and followed it with a good workout. Got in a walk, too. Some easy reading. Hoped to put in time on the new draft, but didn’t have the chance to go deep so put it off for tomorrow.

Beautiful day with temps creeping into the high sixties. Blue sky, sunny. Weather’s supposed to go south by the end of the week, but maybe it’ll bring some snow, too. We could use it.

Don’t much feel like getting out in public, but the bicep still smarts pretty good and I wouldn’t mind if I could get back to PT before long. On the sunny side, I’m back to skipping rope without much problem.