Up again a little after four, young Tuck deciding he wanted to play. Hung back for an hour or so after the toe-biting game, and made a break for the cottage around six. Put in some good work at the keyboard. Think I’ve got a couple of good stories in the making. Reader draft of “Down There” ought to be in place before the end of the week. The other? We’ll see.
Jogged the stairs in the park this afternoon. Weather was cool, which helped. Felt pretty good when I got home, but took a nap in anticipation of company tonight. K coming over to watch the game.
New copywriting work came in. Happy for that. Gonna try and get a good night’s sleep, come at strong tomorrow and maybe have something ahead of deadline. Like to get in a day of fishing this week, too. While the weather’s nice. Smoke is still sitting over us in varying degrees of thickness, but wasn’t as bad today as it’s been earlier.
Owe a few letters. Need to get started on that, too. PT tomorrow. Full steam ahead.