
Woke at 4:45 with a kittie sleeping on my bad arm. Got up thinking to hit the office, but laid down again after getting dressed and dozed until a little after 7:00. So much for an early start.

Worked hard at the keyboard, and got in some good revisions on the two new shorts. After, went on a long drive through the San Isabel forest looking for Christmas tree country. Saw some nice streams in the backcountry, but didn’t have my gear, so had to pass. The aspen were pretty, but not quite there yet, giving a good excuse for another long drive next weekend. Found one possible tree-harvesting site at the southern end of the forest, but still not counting out a trip to Leadville where we’ve taken our last three.

Pretty day today, or would have been if the smoke had cleared a little more. Still, nothing to complain about. Temps were nice, the air smelled of fall, and winter can’t be far off.

Eager to get back to the gym tomorrow. Tonight, just gonna take it easy.