Watching it all go by...

Up earlier than usual. Put in some good work.

Trying to pull back a bit on the writing and give myself a little more time reading. Still putting in four or five hours a day a the keyboard, but more of it in composition. Giving the draft work more time to cool between sessions. Not sure if it’s making any difference yet, but while the weather warms and the trees come out, it seems like the right thing to do.

Good workout this afternoon. Enjoying the new things I’m learning.

Gonna have to abandon it while mom’s here and shift to a morning routine, but at least I’ll have a few new tricks to work with.

Went for a nice walk this evening. Weather was beautiful. Supposed to rain tonight, but that’s all right. It won’t be long before the high temps roll in. May as well enjoy the cool evenings while they’re here.

Tired. Gonna hit it early again tomorrow.