Early rise on a nice sunny morning. Hit the keyboard hard. Was making pretty good progress, till the school called looking to send young M home with a fever. Thankfully, everything straightened itself out after some rest and aspirin.
Got to the gym later than usual, but had a good workout. New routine is tough in ways I'm not used to. Gonna take a few weeks, I supposed, before the soreness settles into something tolerable. Meanwhile, it’s just keep on slugging.
Sent my N critique off this morning. A nice story. Not contest caliber, maybe, but nice.
Last thing. Bought a canoe tonight. Simple little 13-footer that’ll play nicely on the small lakes and reservoirs around here. Give the boys a chance to fish from the water. Should be a lot of fun. It’s supposed to arrive at Sportsman’s Warehouse next Monday.
Rain’s moved in. Not sure what that bodes for tomorrow, but whatever it is, I’ll take it. Grass looks like a million bucks. Like to keep it that way for a while.