Quick up and down.
Up early. All but finished new short piece. Working out the final details on the ending. It’s coming in at just under 7,000 words, but feels pretty nice. Think I’ve got something good in it.
Spend the day policing the yard in anticipation of tonight’s dinner guests. John and Karin coming over for grilled salmon, wine, and a caramel ice cream and peach dessert.
Hot day, today. Well into the 90s again. Held off cutting the lawns so I wouldn’t burn them out. May be another day or two before I give it a try.
Saw the neighbors are back from their long camping trip. Farewell to the early morning cups of coffee on the front porch!
Talked to Mom last night, and see seemed well. Said it was plenty hot down in NM, too.
Like to get out on the water tomorrow, but not much chance of a canoe trip given the late start we’d get. Still might look at a quick trip up the mountain to do a little fly fishing. Or down to the Arkansas.
Speaking of fish, a friend at the gym gave me two nice Cabella bass rods yesterday. When I got home and looked at them I saw they were worth probably $300 or more with the caddy. Had to send him a text this morning saying I couldn’t accept them. Too valuable.
Skies starting to look a little gray. Maybe we’ll get a little rain.