Now comes the heat...

Well, summer finally showed up. Hit 90 today, maybe higher. Took an instant toll on the lawn, though I did fight back with a hose tonight after sending the boys home. Next few days are supposed to be burners. Finally turned on the AC.

Think this new story I’ve been working on is going to be a good one if I can keep it under control. My best in a while, though it has been a while since I’ve written anything short. Anyway, might have a reader’s draft in order by the end of the weekend, if I’m lucky.

The Wells book remains interesting, but I need to lock in on a new novel soon. Pick up on a few more short stories, too, though I think I have at least three sitting in my N queue at the moment. Read the first of them, but more came in last night.

Need to give Mom a call and see how she’s faring. It’s a helluva busy time when she’s here, but I miss her when she leaves. Saw some footage of Hidden Falls and Jenny Lake yesterday, and got hit hard with memories of my dad. Beautiful country out there. I’m glad he introduced me to it.