Cool, overcast day. Wish I could have spent some of it in the mountains. Nothing ever seems dreary up there. On the positive side, the lawn and shrubs are going gangbusters, and the moisture should give them a good head start on the dry, hot weather ahead.
Fly vest! Need to find my fly vest! Been dreaming of a day on the water, but no way it's going down unless I remember where my gear is. This weekend for sure. I'll put even money the treasure hunt ends somewhere in my tragedy of a garage. Hope so, anyway. Have looked high and low through the house, and come up empty ever time.
Read a nice story in the New Yorker last night. "The Midnight Zone" by Lauren Groff. Not familiar with her work, but hope to get better acquainted in the future. Same issue had some terrific old photos by Diane Arbus. Unpublished works from the late 50s through the 60s.
Revisited an old draft today after a late night revelation on how to move the story forward. Think maybe it's going to work. Put in a couple of hours revising it, and am pleased with the results. Knock wood.