Through the rain...

Rain, two days straight. Too crumby to hang outside, but the lawn sure as hell looks good through the front window. Weather's supposed to be iffy all week. Ought to build a fire and settle in with a book. 

Speaking of reading material, got a chance to read my buddy G.O.'s new treatment last night. As always a real pleasure. On a completely different front, received news an essay I promoted made third place in the 2016 Winter Contest. Quite proud to have been a part of the process.

Put in some good work on my latest, untitled piece. For all intents and purposes, it's nearly finished, and I should have a reader copy soon. Been studying the story and wondering if maybe it could be the opening section of a novel? I like the protagonist, and think he has room to grow. Might put in some extra time to see if I can make it work. Worth a try, I suppose.