Long day at the keyboard, most of it spinning my wheels. Couldn’t seem to find the groove on the philharmonic articles, but did make headway toward the end of the day so I’m hoping I can get a better jump on things tomorrow.
Took a break mid-afternoon for a trip to Starbucks, then to the gym to try and kill the headache I’ve been nursing.
Kit was wild with yowling yesterday, and it got so bad I thought something might be wrong with him. He had his appetite, and gave over to being brushed and seemed in good spirits, but his vocalizing was so intense I thought maybe he needed a trip to the vet. Turned out his water fountain had dried up the day before. Awk-ward.
More rain today, but the weather service says that’s the last of it for a while. Sun’s on the way, and when it gets here it’s going to stick around. Here’s hoping I can keep the grass looking as it has with just the sprinkler system and a hose.
Ham steak and asparagus for dinner. Maybe a movie. We’ll see what the evening brings.