Went to a house concert last night to catch a group called Sons of Town Hall. Most fun we’ve had in a long time. Was expecting some quirky folk stuff—and got it—but the performance turned into so much more it made the whole weekend. Talented guys. Great story tellers, excellent musicians, the whole nine yards.
Finished a strong draft of new story this morning. Been working on the piece a while, but finally happened on an acceptable end. Still have a lot of clean up, but the tough stuff is behind me. Felt good to make a bit of progress.
Gotta new gig from the C.S. Opera, so tomorrow’s pretty well played out. Happy to have some new commercial work falling in my lap. Need to put the blocks to this one. Short turnaround time.
Lotta yard work to catch up with now that the house painting’s finished. Looking forward to clearing out the dead leaves and getting the lawn back in shape. Aerators come tomorrow. Sprinkler dudes, too. Won’t be long before it’s time to break out the mower.