Happy St. Patrick's Day...

Spent a long afternoon in Denver yesterday visiting my uncle. He’s 91 and still punching. The Parkinson’s has crumpled him up pretty good, but he gets around all right with his walker. The toughest thing is his speech. Parkinson’s has taken that, too. He’s still able to summon up a sentence or two if he puts his heart into it, but you can tell it isn’t easy. Anyway, good to see him again. Really good.

Woke up to snow yesterday, and again today, but an hour or two in the morning sun and most of it melted away. Not sure what sort of weather the weekend’s supposed to bring. Sunshine, I hope. But I wouldn’t mind a little rain either.

Had a good morning at the keyboard. Near to having a reader draft of the story I’m calling "Nobody’s Business But His Own.” Might give it one more quick read tomorrow before letting it rest. Then I’m moving on to the next one.

Revisited “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” this afternoon. After, put in a decent workout at the gym.

Corned beef and cabbage tonight. K’s coming, too, before she leaves for the east coast. Used to watch John Huston’s The Dead on St. Pat’s Day in years past, but find it’s a hard sell anymore. Wish it weren’t, but it is. Brilliant story in so many ways.